iphone 11 -battery replacment original or compatible?
Има ли спас за нас и што понатаму?
Trying to make it to 17…
The situation works perfectly in Germany. What about the Balkans?
Good Moroccan humor, isn’t it?
When u go to USA and they ask u about the salary in morocco
Why do people say that Romanian has a Slavic accent??
Congratulations! Will you follow me?
Balkan biologists often include the adjective “common” in the official names of animals, such as the common frog or common falcon. Is this also "common" in Western scientific naming?
I have a question
Vicevi objaveni za Makedonija na r/AskBalkans od bugar
The drive for dreams, goals, and achievements took me from poverty in the Balkans to working for multinational companies. What about your dreams?
Which Balkan country is the butt of every joke?
What happens when you die?
How are people who are born outside of the Balkans but have their roots there perceived?
Tea in the Balkans
Is North Macedonia realigning itself geopolitically?
Bravo Google!
Razmotruva ami kakooo!
Gadnata realnost vo profesionalniot svet deneska… Ova e vaka u cel svet ne samo Makedonija
Did you know that Germans are experts in more than just formulas in physics and mathematics?
Is it common for German students to study medicine in Bulgaria?
Ок сериозно, реално што може да се направи за спречување на вакви случаи…? Дека премногу ги има
Universal name for Serbo-Croatian
As a balkan non-believer, are you still culturally aligned with the religion you were born in?
Why did albanians specifically chose latin script?