What is something that seems ok now but is just waiting to become a problem?
Which horror movie villain do you think you'd have a decent chance of defeating?
What is something we lived fine without 20 years ago that that if we lost today we would struggle?
What is the last song you couldn't get out of your head?
What is something your family did growing up that you thought was normal but apparently wasn't?
Who has brilliant songs but is a terrible singer?
What is something used to love that doesn't exist anymore?
Who do you think is the least deserving of their 'Celebrity' status?
What chore or task would you like to never have to do again?
If you saw a piano made of sharp cheddar cheese, what emotions would you feel?
What is the best ever intro to a song?
what do you think is the most misunderstood,out of context quote ever?
What is the weirdest place you've found something you lost?
Which fruit is in the S tier?
Music fans, what’s the cheesiest, poorly executed rap video you can find?
Jason Rich Totally looks like Luke Danes from Gilmore girls!
What movie could have been better with a different lead actor/actress?
What job feels like it should be paid a much higher wage than it actually does?
What is the lowest amount of money you could win and still consider it life changing?
What is your idea of a "perfect" day?
What is a foreign delicacy that you don't understand how anyone can enjoy?
What should you be doing instead of scrolling Reddit right now?
What is your favourite song lyric?
What is the most recognisable movie quote?
Let's have a look at what you could have won!