Thought I'd buy my parents a car when I turned 25. Well, I'm 25 now...
They called me 12 8 0
Received this One Piece keychain watch as a birthday gift. Time to become the King of my own journey
Where I'm from, there are 2 types of folks
We're only gettin' older, baby And I've been thinkin' about it lately
Good thing the customers weren’t calling when Kelly was asleep
When my baby doesn’t say ‘Boboddy’ right after being born
Badminton singles partner - Dwarka
Things are moving out of my control
Requesting r/tier4guys due to inactivity and deletion of orginal moderator account
Rock whenever WrestleMania Season arrives
Dwight After Booking Andy & Angela Wedding In Schrute Farms
Dwight After Saving Jim's Life from Roy
Employee Hierarchy when Dwight was Manager in Season 3
Rock whenever It's WrestleMania Season
Kelly is kind of hypocrite for not showing up to Pam Art Show but expecting everyone in her party
I Compiled A List Of Fastest Runners In The Office universe
One of the many defects of their kind
When the storyline doesn't make sense but you are already hooked !
Sometimes I'll start a sentence and don't even know where it's going
Wasted prime years of 20s and now 26F
Pam and her love for shoes isn't talked about much
There’s something poetic about walking 2.5 km to a place you should’ve been at already.
I want to date but
0% hike for last 2 years