I'm 15 and pregnant, getting an abortion next week. ama
I had a mentalist resuspension surgery in South Korea with Dr.Kook ( you can watch his videos on YouTube just search mentalist muscle resuspension) and he totally destroyed my mentalist muscle and left me with more complications and damages 😞
Comparison photos at 5wks
Being a homosexual hurts
Feeling numb after recent HIV diagnosis
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Some kind of little hairs in my Johnsonville sausages 🤢
The way I look at myself when I'm on shrooms feels narcissistic
2 Months post op: DJS, genio, and septoplasty
should i get jaw surgery?
Muscles are moving incorrectly in face after surgery
Why did I become ugly as a teenager?
Should I trust my girlfriend?
My poor windshield 💔
Does this look like a keloid?? Help me
6 weeks post op
I hate be born as a genetic freak
How does anyone afford out of pocket surgeons
Eddie NEEDS to watch "party makeup by nikki" it won't le me put the video in so I put in the link
Whats going on in this video?
Tumeric was making me nauseous for months
can someone sum these up & dumb it down for me?
I hate my husband but I’m completely dependent on him
choline, I've found my favorite supplement
Suggestions for nasolabial folds and mild sagging at age 30 :(