What kind of lead would you want to see?
Cure Passion's redemption arc remains unmatched
Aguri and Regina dynamic is peak (DokiDoki Novel)
My thoughts on Hirogaru Sky (up to episode 17)
Heartcatch vs. GoPri: Which of these do you have fewer gripes with?
PreCure seasons that either get better or worse after the second half
Favorite MC?
Unpopular opinion: we’re not owed interactivity in stories?
Cure Ace Appreciation!
Well this has aged well
What’s the Pettiest Reason Y’all Have DNFd a Story?
From your experience. Which group can’t handle being roasted?
Race related issues Mega Thread
Religion Mega Thread
Adrien deserved so much better
TI MUST post daily.
Dudes will literally blame solar rays before accepting that its a skill issue
Assessment Failure
Let people have autistic headcanons about fictional characters
My Opinion: I’m glad Regina didn’t become Precure
I dislike other autistic people
What it feels like to be visibly autistic
Wagyu is the opposite of good meat
Ask me anything ESTP 8w7 sp/sx I'm the king of the internet and I want to enslave normies and make a weeb+sex+martial arts utopia IRL
People are so cringey