Question about fiber
Got referred to a cardiologist
How many Dr did you go through until you found a good one?
Drip coffee
Lpa is 37
Just did lipid test
What should we name our robot vacuum?
Comment your favorite color and let people give your Reddit avatar a name!
Give me a name and I tell you how we write it in Hungary
I cannot believe it’s just end this way and no extensions when the pandemic is crazier than last summer
I need some advice on little boys diet 😅
Pet bunny in the wild, turns back on me when I feed him. Is this normal or is he mad?
What are some AP superstitions you just can't stand anymore?
Rub a dub dub, 3 buns in a tub? (They didn't actually get a bath, I just needed them out of the way while I cleaned their pen)
Regarding the picture with our potted plants!
He doesnt know it but he has saved my life so many times over the past year. Im so lucky he is in my life ❤️
Asian Birth Time marriage date picking superstition
I have been lying to my family about my university graduation date and I don't know how to tell them
Trim your bun's nails!
My 6 year old bunny, she passed away a couple days ago. I miss her.
10th Birthday
Pony tail hack
Has anyone used rice water (when you wash the rice) to water your plants? Thoughts? Never heard, but I just saw a website saying you can fertilize plants with rice water. If it works, then damn.. I eat a lot of rice so it would be useful lol
My little man took a nap yesterday afternoon and didn't wake up again. He would've been 11 today. You'll be greatly missed, Jasper.
Happy Foliage Friday everyone 💚🍃🍃