Since spring is coming, what are you guys gonna be using as your signature?
My newest Edwardian lawn dress with my authentic Edwardian boots :)
what’s the coziest perfume you know?
Perfumes that smell like this?
What does my handwriting say about me?
Name your signature scent, your age and your current or dream job
What non-perfume products are you in love with for their fragrance?
Your most unique but wearable fragrance?
Lana Del Rey dress
Just took my dog for a sedated nail trim, what is this stuff inside his nails?
Foxy Roxy?
Trump knew that he was going to lose!
What do y’all think these photos smell like?
Our Golden Retriever, Walter, was bit by a dog…it’s been out of control!
Favorite client’s dog getting euthanized tomorrow
Gustav Von Wangenheim
Lattafa Her Confession! A new perfume.
1970s shoes
What’s everyone’s favourite picture of Marilyn Monroe
Share your "small" (under 1c) engagement rings!
What perfume matches this aesthetic?
What is the most underated scent???
What are your top 3 wishlist fragrances?
perfumes that smell like a dog?
Yall…😭 look what just came in to my store. $9.99 a piece