Need help naming our cat; he’s amazing and super friendly. Preferably with an F starting name
U.S. stock market loses $5 trillion in value in three weeks
What are you craving so bad today?
UPDATE on the "scandi make up"
What’s something you did once and immediately thought, ‘Yeah, never again’?
Does anyone have a good recipe for a Thai coconut chilli soup, like the one they serve at the delta lounges? TIA
I finished this last week. Flip the screen , or monitor to see it properly
Pay your cat tax
Be honest, will you be happy if you got this for valentines?
Dropped a headphone in a supermarket and someone’s kid stamped on it ON PURPOSE and instead of apologising the mum said “he’s a child it’s not his fault”
53 hours on my largest hoop ever
Who is the most bad ass fictitional female?
Gouache and Watercolour, can’t decide on a title….
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
All hail the Ham and Cheese Toastie!
Blue seashells!!
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Trump vows to tell all on mystery drones targeting US days after taking office
Need help finding out what material my Forever 21 earrings are made out of
If you woke up tomorrow and the year was 2007; what’s the first thing you do?
Just in time for Santa
Asked chatgpt to make an image of our interactions
"Multiple drones" affect aircraft takeoffs and landings at Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport in Yamaguchi, Japan.
My parents signed me up for a plastic surgery consultation without telling me until the last minute- I was very upset until I learned a really interesting fact about myself
songs that feel like homesickness and wanderlust