Visiting a hospice- almost kicked out for wearing an n95
What are you taking that drastically has helped your OCD?
Chronic illness, OCD; don't know how to do this again
Does transitioning affect the way your dog behaves towards you?
I need one help deciphering rapid tests
Why is the community like this?
I'm not sure if this review makes me want to buy ultrakill or not
the first deception
Taping issues with T?
Testosterone Shits
V1 Canon vs Fanon
Does anyone else also have contamination OCD?
Got my period 3.5 years on T
Most unlikely check that you passed?
Am I the problem with pronouns
What was your funniest "early sign" to being trans?
It’s not testosteroning and it’s being so dysphoric
At what point did you stop having your period
Beware of the new flu
I have noticed too late, that mental stress hits me 1000% harder than physical stress
Stupid theory:
What a waste of good muscles if he’s just going to be a submissive soyboy
Dysphoria proves I’m sexist
I see your "Gold arm will be Gabriel's" theory and I raise you "Gold arm will be a Councillor's" theory
Becuase you horny fuckers don't like anything but this here it is for your sick fetishes