Whats the Rails job market right now? Best place to look for new job?
Please recommend a sub $200 cycling computer for a first time user
Bolt v2 or Roam v2?
Back door will not lock (but will close) on my 2016 4Runner. Any ideas?
Trump Acknowledges Russia 'Attacked' Ukraine But Defends Putin
Cheapest way to deploy a rails application
Recommend an Arlington MA mechanic to have a look at my Toyota 4Runner?
Audible.com article about Bobiverse author Dennis E. Taylor
I wonder how long grades should influence the interview result?
Pay-What-You-Want Rails 8 Starter Template (RailsMaker) for Indie Hackers
Why Colin Haley loves these $20 Japanese fishing gloves
Need advice: How many of you have LLCs for your apps?
Caching various weather API snapshots for multiple locations: Solid Cache or something else?
Any gotchas I should be aware of on the free tier of Mailgun?
Setting up Cloudflare R2 buckets for Active Storage
Y'all should sign up for the Hotwire Weekly newsletter, its great.
The first post in this group should definitely be to Joe Masilotti's book.
MacOS app for managing iOS dDev image assets, resizing and inverting images, etc?
What rich text editor for Rails do y'all recommend these days?
"Error 400" at moment of attachment when attaching an image to post in Trix editor - but only in production.
How to get an image URL from an image for Open Graph?
Anyone using Thredded in a Rails 8 app?
I've gotten myself into quite a pickle in regards to production rails AWS credentials...
Are these a good screenshots for my app? open for suggestions, thanks!
Easiest way to deploy a Postgres Rails 8 app to the internet these days?