I’m working through a 100% play through of all the games on Steam. I’ve finally reached KH3… it’s better than a lot of people give it credit for.
Wicked deleted scenes VFX fix (kinda)
Wicked Part 1 Extended with (sort of) completed deleted scenes
Working on fixing the VFX for the deleted scenes
Blake Dead Ringer
Got the guys this gift in AC
What will be your reaction if apple decides to sign the old iOS verison
The Fox Cut: All of Fox's Marvel movie output in chronological order
Secret Invasion had a total runtime of 3 hours and 43 minutes with 6 episodes (not including credits), making it Marvel Studios' shortest live-action Disney+ series yet.
My weekly grocery deal list 6/7 - 6/13
Issa bagel
Every Tahu ever made (updated)
Snowpiercer: The Willy Wonka Cut (A Fan Edit Based on the "Wonkapiercer" Fan Theory by Rhino Stew) [Now Out!]
Spider-man Homecoming a film by peter parker finishing the vfx
Probably one of my favorite interactions ever on this show.
KENOBI E2 Ending Fixed (Removed Most Vocals) - Is there a good program to actually separate the vocal better than I do here?
[Best Buy US via Ebay] Retired Sets - Avengers Helicarrier/Tower (76153,76166), Sith Art (31200) In Stock / 0% Off
A day in the life of an average Kanye stan
Who in the mcu knows about the multiverse?
I think my co-worker is suicidal
The Infinity Saga
MCU Fan edits with Deleted Scenes added
[Amazon US] LEGO Ideas Ship in a Bottle (92177) $69.42/0% back in stock
Funniest line in the MCU?
Rocky IV: Complete Cut - Split Screen Comparison