My updated setup
Need some ideas what to do next.... wanting a clean but mature vibe.
"Audiophile" december battlestation
What to put above my battle station?
Finally something I’m pretty happy with, although I would like to know what is something I could improve on
How to improve setup
My not RGB free battle station
His and Hers
Chill room
Battle station upgradetitis is real
Need speaker recommendations
Need advice
Some of my haul over the past year
Adam audio t5v setup but no sound playing out from monitors
Rearranged my office, but I haven't gotten the chance to set my PC back up.
Ongoing WIP space
Current setup
The cheaper 3 way studio monitor
Updated chill corner
Time to fall asleep on the seat.
Rate my Alienware setup under 1 to 10
RGB off >:(
My battlestation - what would you change ?
Is there anything else I could add to this set up?