50 days 50 questions: day 1: Fav season?
How long does Mirena last...?
late period 11mo after iud
Loryna and Pull Out
UTI? Birth control? Help!!!
Weight gain - how long did you gain weight for?
side effect/recommendations?
what do you think about Burset agreeing not to sue MCC
Favorite and least favorite plot lines?
do you think Aleida sent Daya to summer camp for selfish reasons?
how did i never realize this
most underrated friendship? here’s mine
Top 10 Billie songs? (All time)
Give me your favourite Billie song and I'll rate it from 1-10.
Would you guys (AP students) be interested in a AP Human Anatomy or some other Med AP class?
If you could remove and replace 3 songs from the HMHAS Tour Setlist what are you taking and why?
should I take ap stats or ap psych?
Thank you 💕
do you agree with pipers 15 month sentence
Mentally scared 24/7
What is your actual idea body type for boys?