How awful was stimulation on a scale of 0-10?
what should i read next?
Skipping Flesh&Fire series?
#ad 🙄
Macaron class
Back to back stories. iDeNtIcAL
I'm ruined. Just finished all 4 books and hands down this was best series I've read in a long long time.
She looks so bad
This is 100% Reaver u can’t disagree
Wife wants to use a sperm donor because she thinks our child might be born with autism
What about Twig?!?
I got an interview at a company with a bad rep
Who I picture as the Blackbeak matron…
Chapter 37 Ice and Ivy
What are books you’d be forced to read in your personal “hell” ?
This looks 🔥🔥
I’ll just leave these here…
Mom guilt/a confession
Party sponsors 💀
Not a single POC guest at her SPONSORED bday party
Who eats all of this in one sitting on a Monday morning ?!🤯 I’d be sick. 🤢
The girl who treats not wearing a bra like it’s her full time job has THIS as one of her bday party sponsors….😂
You’re in a room full of your book boyfriends, who are you running to first and why?
Will i be disappointed?