I find this game to be excruciatingly hard
Need a quick help with platinum
Platinum Trophy ps5
never touching builder base again.
need help in game
Co-op help
co-op in ds2
builder base trophy system
help with co op
Demon Souls Remake No One Invades My World
If anyone is preparing to buy a PlayStation Plus subscription, apparently it will be on sale in February 14
Indonesia Excluded from PlayStation's New Year Discounts – Disappointed
is doom eternal worth the try?
PS Plus Query (Switzerland 🇨🇭)
i am in this clan for last 2 years and i am still ELDER
need a guide for training range
[PsX] W: Runes, Milady, Rellana set H: karma
[PsX] W: Backhand Blade+0 H: Karma, Ask
i did the first one
most dope combo?
so i tried a glitch, i think it bugged my game, if someone can help do let me know what you feel about it
so i tried a glitch, i think it bugged my game, if someone can help do let me know what you feel about it on ps5
I can't pick up weapons
[PS5] W: boss souls in dark souls remastered H: Stacks of marika runes or any other item you need you may ask about it