Everyday fragrance (deo/mist/perfume) suggestions that have a smell similar to this? or like, the vibe. + Asking a review for Blur, Smells like A Candystore solid perfume
Everyday fragrance (deo/mist/perfume) suggestions that have a smell similar to this? or like, the vibe.
I want to lose belly fat but also gain muscle and overall weight what do I do? :/
Getting into jewelry making - want to make jump rings and other findings myself, what kind of wire would be perfect?
Are there any side effects to using an epilator for body hair?
Perfectionism and wanting to be better than everyone whilst also being VERY far off 😭
Should I pursue Data Analysis if I don't like programming and coding?
How can I revive this plant? It’s possible right?
Is there a name for this kinda lock?
What skills and knowledge should I work on developing as someone who has just graduated and has no idea about what they actually want to do?
why are people on tiktok so dumb
MyMuse- Pulse or Palm?? Help!!
Hello! I am finally (mentally & financially) prepared to get a MyMuse massager.
How tf do you dress for ethereal essence?
How would you type Raye ? (5’4")
What do we think of this?
What can I add to my milk which is healthy and makes it taste good too?
Guys any advice on how to move out? 🫠🫠
Guys any advice on how to move out?