[Romano] Christian Pulisic, set to sign his new contract at AC Milan soon as it will be valid for the next four years. The salary will be improved as expected.
Why does Tywin think Stannis is a bigger threat than Renly?
Aegon III was done so dirty by George, the poor kid.
Whose book do you think book 6 will be?
She killed him before the dogs did.
Let's Get This Bread
Biscuit Folding Advice
Do you think it would makes sense for Val to end up with Jon?
Which Targaryen was the best parent?
What's Your Favorite Dunk Ship and/or Baby Mama Theory?
Never forget that Jon and Robb were always stirring shit up in Winterfell
Seen a lot of “Do you support your conference?” talk. Here are my rules of engagement on if I would cheer for Big Ten teams if they made the playoffs.
Does Selyse get more hate because she's ugly? both within and out of the narrative?
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[Spoilers Main] Besides A Song of Ice and Fire what’s your favourite fictional setting?
In defense of Vaemond Velaryon
(Spoiler main) Jon Snow would be the most sought after bachelor in Winterfell
What if Aegon V’s children kept their marriage pacts?
Imagine thinking we can’t beat a team that lost to Michigan (guys I’m actually so scared)
[Spoilers extended] Daemon Blackfyre is what GRRM seems to believe Daemon Targaryen is.
(Spoilers Extended) What actions of a character widely disapproved of by the public do you personally approve of?
You can change the order of succession for 1 house at any time period, who do you choose and why?