does anyone else have a self-insert persona for your journal :)
Do you read the things you had journaled in the past?
I’m finally loved
As an INTP, i fit into almost every INTJ stereotype i see, but barely any INTP ones
Guess my age based off of my Home Screen
Entry about how fast time goes and guilt.
What were you like in high school?
What is an interest or hobby you have that is non-stereotypical for your MBTI type, AND one that could be stereotypical?
What's your MBTI and who did you get?
If you could have only one JellyCat - what would it be?
Literal shower thoughts (don't worry, I'm okay)
my ‘about me’ page :)
Favorite character death that got you like
Name the (favorite) character
🎀 A Babydoll fit 🎀
Songs about girls killing boys
Late to the trend but… here’s mine! have fun ;)
bluebird of happiness - mojave 3
Type me based on the moodboard my ENFJ gf made for me
birthday card for my crush :)
damages were worse than listed, is this fair of me to ask?
i’ve always loved my eye color :)
I made a Milk!!
What kinds of mannerisms or things do Gen Z do that automatically make someone say ah, their probs Gen Z?