Songs that are amazing, but then the artist says some stupid shit
Dropkick Murphys' Twitter account has been banned
songs where the lyrics reflect what the production is doing aka word painting
My MJ tier list! opinions?
do they think we’re 5?
Forget favorites, what's your LEAST favorite song from MCR?
What's everyones opinions so far on Satanized? (:
Is this him?
Songs where there's a ringtone
Give me ANY word and I’ll relate it to Eminem
I BETTER not see any complaints about the new memory update
Which celebrity death has affected you the most?
No comparison
The Vegas billboard
We lost a good one gentleman. To anyone who knew him I’m sorry for your loss.
Emo bands with deep voiced lead singers?
Looking for some atmospheric space rock music
We had one date. All of this was texted over a span of a couple of days.
Getting into screamo. Suggestions?
What’s a band that you feel like you should like but you can’t get into them?
Need some emo music suggestions
Bands with Tilian Pearson esque cleans?
Let’s settle this… How old is each Papa?
Which of these eras of Tom & Jerry is your all-time favorite?