Moza Active Pedals - A bundle with the mBooster at the same price as high end pedals
Update: (LMU) People like this make me want to quit simracing altogether - he got a 30 day ban
Fanatec Fullforce visible in iRacing 2025 Season 2 Build settings menu
Question about Load Cell Pedals....
I present to you my new rig
My TV simrig
My "Sim" racing setup
Not luck but skill (Dirt Rally 2.0 Giga lucky crash)
Le Mans Ultimate Deserves More Love – Here’s Why You Should Play
Saw this at local mall today
Sim Racing may have saved my life..
Have we reached a point where virtual cars give us more steering feedback than real life cars?
What is the opinion of simracing with Projektors?
Bucket seats for sale
Is there r/simracingcirclejerk?
Is there any reason to not play like this?
My first "actual" rig (mostly used stuff and diy)
Racing Sim is Back
Let us call in helis to send loot back to base without having to fly back ourselves.
Great simracing chassis opportunity at aldi
In search of fanatec t nuts
Fixes incoming!
When will the BF deals start in the UK?
I need to vent...