Really like how this turned out
First one done!
It's done!!
Almost Finished!
I’ll draw your pets bad (example using my cat)
How long do restocks take?
Anybody have any extra
My little “helper” 😅
Nearly there! I'm thinking it'll be done this weekend.. Slyveon!
New WIP!
Midnight spell done!
She is done!
Katze trinkt nichts
Lighting makes his nose look even brighter than it actually is
Who did this? Since it’s blurry, just know that those are alternating 5s and Ss. I’m…not gonna cry…but I am going to eat a cookie.
WIP ft. my little helper
I lost my diamond art buddy last weekend.
Anyone else got issues of huge furballs spawning on their canvas?
Normally she doesn't mind a gentle stremtch but of course when I try to take a picture she rejects 🤣
The prettiest pink beans
Nahida is complete!
Do you guys also need a show running while working?
He always makes sure his beans are clean
What's your method?
No neck stremtch