What has Wellbutrin done for you?
sub space and migraines
Who here leads a normal life? I'll explain what I think "normal" is below.
Hi there! About lithium
Spring has spring and with it, hypersexuality
To the man that tried to hit me at Rhode Island Metro
I really wanna stop taking my meds
Mono therapy just on lithium
How to love your body during your weight loss journey, rather than hating your body image until you reach your goal?
Is 6 months too early to quit a job?
Is 6 months too early to quit?
Let's play a game, medication working or hypomania?
How do you tell someone you’re dating you’re bipolar?
Shrooms while on Lithium and Lamictal?
How much can someone change in a relationship?
Would you take a slight pay cut for better work culture?
Mentally Slower - can this be fixed and which med is the likely culprit?
Is it ADHD to get deeply upset over a change in plans?
What is a normal maintenance lithium dose for you?
Teacher potentially adopting a student
Is it possible to be lean on meds or am I fucked?
Hypomania, is there a way…
At what age were you diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and what episode were you experiencing at the time?