What Remake Absolutely Whiffed It?
Feels like I’m missing stuff. Mgs3
Is there a better director than Roman Polanski ???
Fulton extraction
30k redemptions in five minutes, really??
Do you think Nintendo will continue to make games for the Switch after the Switch 2 launch?
New images from 'From the World of John Wick: Ballerina'
Why the F1 movie will fail
What happens when Psycho Mantis reads other games off of your system other than the PS1?
Controllers are too dead?
New poster for 'Mortal Kombat II'
Seems not relevant but...
I’m working on a huge project , a new religion a new society , a better way of life , I need likeminded, smart, and capable individuals if your interested Dm me
When did it become a "rule" that animated shorts have to have no dialogue?
Clarification needed please
This man saved a turtle stuck in the rocks
I think he's just fuckin with us all at this point
What do you think makes high-budget Netflix sci-fi successful?
PS5 causing hand pain, are there decent alternative controllers?
5 of the 10 lowest 3pt% shooting high major schools made the NCAA Tournament
Who's your favorite musician who's also acted?
Parental restrictions how to turn the off or leave family
Is this normal
It’s PEAK, it goes way too hard ‼️
I think there's something wrong with my PS5...