Tsunade VS 4th Raikage A. Who Wins In An All Out Fight?
If OM Obito's power level is at 100, where would you guys scale full power Pain, alive Hokage Minato, and healthy Itachi?
💀 TF is this Kabuto Glazing lol just because he held back Itachi and Sasuke who wasn't trying to kill him but had a different purpose which totally doesn't mean he scales above them
Who is the strongest characters these 2 sages can take with no intel? With intel?
What's the most underrated/slept on ability/jutsu?
For the Jiraiya fans who unironically scale him based on the belief that Itachi was being completely honest here, Do you actually believe that Jiraiya would tie with Itachi and Kisame PLUS more Akatsuki as backup without even using Frog Song?
Rewatched the series, no way this thing was extensively planned at the start.
Team guy and kakashi vs Pain, who wins?
Minato vs base killer bee
Which character has the most thin-skinned fanbase?
Enma Vs Kakazu, who wins?
What’s with the garp slave memes? Am i missing something?
How far will Cracker go? Healing after every fight.
Who'll win in a rematch between Orochimaru and Tsunade?
Who would win in all the rounds?
You think itachi could tsukuyonmi this thing?
Who Wins
Do yall think mark is a better written character than luffy?
If both go all-out, who wins and what diff?
The entire raid would've failed and everybody would've died if this dude just kept his mouth shut about some dolls
Reflections on Oda’s Angels and Their Classic Bad-Faith Question: 'Stop Reading If You Don’t Like It'
Rank them from strongest to weakest
Blackbeard's crew isn't somewhat underwhelming compared to Luffy's (Not counting the certain traitor)
Something I personally want to change in part 1