Where are the ones who have Humbug as their favourite too ??
What is your top three favorite Kubrick films?
Batphone is one of their greatest songs ever
How underrated is Pinups
TBH&C and The Car (the new sound)
Suck it and See song order is wrong to me
What do you think about Cornerstone?
Do you have an opinion on the jazz drum movie thing?
Thoughts on Whiplash?
songs that (i think) don’t get enough attention
Who’s your favourite classical cougar?
what's your favourite mozart song and why is it k545
Outjerked by Instagram reels
What instrument do I play based off my foot?
Must under appreciated album?
What song was this for you?
Top 5 favorite B sides
Guess my instrument
What are your opinions on “Submarine”?
Which composer do you study to?
Audience reaction during first performance of Rite of Spring.
What and why is this ?
According to Pitchfork TBH&C is AM’s best album and HUMBUG their weakest… thoughts?
Which masterpiece is better?
A take that will leave you like this...
Average Beethoven fan
Music Theory is Anti Art