Thoughts on this logo / package design for a football card game?
Anyone had these? They are better than the original.
New year, same old cup and char pies
Floor cleaning products now under lock and key. But why?
What candy was always at your grandmas house?
Just a picture of a snack table that looks like Sesame Street characters.
What’s a candy that is severely under-rated?
What was your favorite movie from your childhood?
This dad joke calendar has a daily cheese-meter
Just a picture of the mug being used by my landscaping guy.
Which movies had way better sequels than the original?
What’s your opinion on freeze dried candy?
Just a card game that my wife always beats me at.
What’s your favorite gummy candy? For me, it’s gummy coke bottles.
Straight tiles or staggered?
What do my fridge and freezer tell you about me?
This pickle pizza has no cheese but still tastes delicious.
These are pretty good…anyone else had them?
Pure Joy from DollarTree
My wife was super excited to get me this mug to take to work everyday but it’s kind of embarrassing walking into the office with a “best guy” mug. What do should I do?
What does my fridge say about me?
Thoughts on this logo? (not my work)
Why did the cheese not get those nice little brown dots / bubbles? It just went all blobby 😔
Why do mini snickers taste better than full size?
Any practical ways to make card games last a life time? We play this game pretty regularly and cards are starting to show some age