Do NOT Buy the GQ GMC-600 Plus
Me at 10, 20, 30, 40, and now 50.
What contraception do you guys reccomend , I’m extremely reluctant to go on it but after posting a Reddit post asking about if the rhythm method is unsafe on here I have been convinced to think abt using contraception.
how is it possible to scape a crime scene nowadays? like how can you kill someone if there are cameras everywhere and stuff. i dont get it.
What were elders from your time ranting about?
What's your favorite word (that's not defenestration)?
Space capsule docking with the ISS this morning.
Mom's are the center of the family
Do u take your cords on night walks (he loves them)
What is the "Mississippi" of your country?
His mom is confirmed to be a chihuahua! He is 7 weeks and 7 pounds with a curly tail. Any idea what he is mixed with?
What Was Your First Car?
Has anybody tried breading their puppies ?
Pepperoni, Mama & Papa. Happy Thursday. Sweet Dreamz.
what age do i start calling myself a woman?
Introducing Hide an Ad
Where are my words???
Why do parents defend their adult children no matter what?
[Mi] is a company allow to refuse service to me if I am Jewish?
What was the biggest age difference between you and someone you dated?
Antique Railroad Sign
Do you care if someone turns around in your driveway?
What is ruining your mental health?
We need more research
A middle school chemistry class in Hubei, China