Rush KoG with Chemistry!
Some examples of how the game’s perspective doesn’t do any justice to just how freaking HUGE everything in Monster Hunter really is
Endgame Weapon Popularity
The last game you played, besides Persona 5, will have a crossover, and the villain of that game will have their heart changed by the Phantom Thieves. What game is that?
Why couldnt I use Widow Anchor
Keep dreaming, pal.
Speed format with Hero and Saled (along with like 5 other playable decks) is far superior than tier 0 Rush format where you compare hands in a mirror match
Both of these fall under the "carried by animation" allegation. Yet one is more well received than the other. Why is that?
Who would've thought the “traditional family” is the best lineup
Newest leak for Upcoming Skills & Possible Main Box cards.
How can people look at this and say that absorption techniques are not needed in Boruto?
Still better than Dragon Fusion meta... Or speed saladhero.
How well did you fare in the Gaia Rush Festival?
If I see another bingo card with great jaggi I'm gonna lose it
So is animation chronicle done for ?
What was that?
The greatest girl failure in the stone world, I love her
Hiruzen's hypocrisy
This meme format has never been more appropriate
Which character made the most sense for having the character trait of having a crush on Asuka?
Why are sci-fi movies so obsessed with using the most advanced weapons to fight the most primitive warfare?
I found tragic funny that Rio in Zexal dies 5 times in the story. Poor girl can't catch a break
I like how this implies that zuko and azulas firebending skills came from their mothers side of the family
This take is terrible but I’m making it anyway!