Hey all! Canadian here with a safety question.
I'm going on a trip to see my boyfriend in the states in april and I want to know if i'm going to be safe.
Cannot find note to strelok.
We're like the guys that get sent to backwater planets with literally nothing happening because we suck.
My buddy made an utterly FLAWLESS tactical decision for the betterment of super earth and the effective application of LIBERTY on ALL fronts.
A stealth themed warbond just makes sense.
Am I the only one who doesn’t care?
i have funny teamkilling down to a science
Is reinstalling windows 11 necessary if i'm moving from intel to AMD?
Just got back to invasions after a long break. why are 8 out of 10 co invaders traitor reds????
I've noticed an uptick in people chainsawing when they dont get their way?
What's your excuse for enjoying random crits?
Why has YouTube not Banned these people already? (Slurs)
Cracked DLC on Legitamately bought games?
made this a few days ago when i finished the game
[FNV] B42 Optics not working, debug menu will not appear.
Lightning spells
Psvr2 port
finally did it on steam.... now to do ds1 and 2 again.....
What're the job prospects like for animation?
Does anyone have the model of the specter ripped?
Avatar i've created loads just fine, causes infinite loading screen loop when equipped.
Does anyone have a playermodel of the soldiers from Jin Roh: The wolf brigade?
Does an avatar of the soldiers from The Wolf Brigade exist?