Was letzte Webcam
This part of my nephews Christmas present.
Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC Release Day Megathread - Claim your Limited Time Flair!
Rate my car from 1 to 10
yall what’s wrong with my cactus
So you should only play several levels below your character level in this game if you want any semblance of actual combat?
It's ship-rating time divers, give me the names of your ships and I'll rate them based on how democratic they are
What's a game you didn't like until you gave it a second chance?
Legendary title Basin builds.
Ongoing directive suggestions
The right way to deal with the Yeti, LSPD style
Exotic help
What was everyone first major purchase that wasn't an apartment
Most underrated vehicle?
What's the one minor bug you know is never getting fixed but annoys you anyway?
Own personal rule.
Which movie character or real person can be identified by a single line said by them?
Tell it like it is
The Benefactor Krieger is my favorite GTA car of all time. What is yours?
I keep losing 500 dollars out of my bank when I die
Any funny but cool name recommendations?
modded Obey 10f New Hen.. come join us at afumodz Facebook
It needs a name [Art]
What has consistently been getting shittier?
I hate this scene so much