I hope this gives y'all a good laugh.
What are your thoughts on the new skins?
Serious Question: Most of us agree that $20 for a legendary skin is greedy. How much do you think a skin should cost?
A hemp plant sprouted outside my workplace randomly.
Is this gold PS4 controller fake? The white one is 100% legit. The packaging is totally different (more description below)
Night City is very well designed, yet at some point, it feels so empty. Does anyone else get this feeling that something is missing?
I have never used a console and PC for gaming for 23 years, I finally got my first ever PS4. I'm like a caveman to AAA gaming
Found at my local Goodwill. There are more copies that aren't in the picture. Far Cry 6 going for $5 already.
My top 5 Xbox 360 games. These are must owns. If you haven’t played any of these then I’d highly recommend them. But on that same note, if you haven’t played any of these, wtf is wrong with you??
I just need someone to generally help me understand what I’m supposed to have as a returning player…
Vehicle Concept - The Electronic Wheelchair
trouble leveling
ok, so I'm a noob in this game, I started on PS5, the aiming is atrocious
Just binged the anime and HOLY SHIT
Beginning some Ranni fanart while taking a break from constantly dying (my artwork)
Why Not Have 2 Maps For One Split and The Other Two For The Next Split?
To pick up on the “I don’t carry” post, let’s also talk about the “I use friendly fire to ruin your match” people.
Is RE8 worth it?
question about meds
Whats with the comics this season?
Any news of this skin or a recolor of it coming back around
Amazing and addictive game
Backlog… what to play next?? (PS)
New PS4 owner, finishing Spider-Man soon. What should I open next?
Anyone else prefer the female option for V?