This scene makes me emotional every single time
A road trip from Bhubaneswar to Konark: went with my gf, came back with fiancee.
General laptop buying guide
Koach on his way to...........
Is this clown show really necessary?
Swiggy has a strategy of giving a offer of free gift above a certain order amount (in insta mart) and than just not sending it in hopes that you won't notice or complain (not a coincidence i had same issue on my friends account as well)
Brilliant test match happening in Dubai today
phone stuck on logo screen loop
What is the worst popular streaming platform for you?
Op needs help with smart tv screen
lot of people would agree???
Indian Schools openly promoting racism!
She doesn't want to have a son in 2025
Wtf is going on in Hindi commentry?
As a Society, We Prefer Living in Fantasies Over Facing Facts
Bro is eternally young
Best keyboard!
Guys🤔 what is that one thing?Fill in the blanks.
Dhoni tells bowler to bowl the 5th Stump Ball
We are witnessing the 'Hindu version of Sharia Law' 🤐
A 7-year-old boy unknowingly drained his family's savings while playing Free Fire, making repeated in-game purchases without realising he was spending real money
Any words for him ???
What the fck is happening in gurgaon
Tell us your favourite shows so we can judge you.