Mum found this one in a charity shop for only £3. How rare is it?
Our garden squirrel sid
What Trump really looks like without his wig and orange spray tan:
A sample squishmallow made for a company in Korea but my mum found it in a charity shop for only £3
A very rare one of a kind squishmallow for only £3
A thought I have had since i was 5 years old
So can I bring my bike here or not?
Here's my fur baby for people who are having a rough day today
Thanks, I hate this drink or order or both
So... how much?
Saw this on a vintage bus at a museum in the uk. I think personally this should still be a rule
Who's Harry bow? And why are they soft?
Spotted in the comments section of a woman doing a stand up set with dark humor and joking about her PSTD
A what board?
My sister btw
In the comment section of a YouTube video of a woman doing stand up making light of her PSTD and doing dark humour
This ultimate white Knight in the comments of a YouTube video of a woman doing dark humour and making light of her PTSD
People of the uk - what is the most annoying uk ad airing rn?
Letting you in based on your favourite Mcfly songs
Not enough gummies
Ah yes. The new way of spelling paralysed
Ah yes. How to ask someone if they are paralysed
If you could go back in time, what would you change?
If everything is legal for 24 hours. What will u do?
In a family friendly theme park in the UK