What did you do to keep going when you understood there would be no 'going back to normal'?
Long term use: did you develop side effects?
For those that have been on amitriptyline a long time - did you develop long term side effects?
Stamp duty question - UK property
Trying to get a mortgage but the lender can't find records of me!? (UK)
Worth a partial nail avulsion or just let it grow?
How long did your withdrawal last when you tried to come off?
any luck lowering liver enzymes with folic acid / milk thistle supplements?
Forcing myself not to sleep
interesting perspective on insomnia
I've had 3 hours of sleep these combined 3 days I don't know what to do My brain always feels Active. I know I'm tired But I'm not getting the sleepy feeling. I don't know what to do?
Weight gain on ivabradine?
I've been asked to be best man at a wedding - what to do?
What if a new World War occurred: would the RAF / USAF bombing campaigns of WW2 be possible today?
Anyone find anti-inflammatories that provide relief?
How was your PF onset?
Welcome to Antidepressants Sub -- Rules, Info, Support
Having a bad episode again. Need recommendations
Austrians are the most typical Europeans. Finns are the most different.
What if Napoleon had won at Waterloo?
WW2: What if the US had not helped European allied nations at all in 1939-1941?
When you have a bad reaction to something how long can flare-up last?
What if the Nazis had treated Slavic people well instead of their horrific treatment as Untermenschen?
the few things that cured my insomnia
Home ownership in Europe