Pom looking for Aussie slang
34 M - 11 years in my New York City apartment that is filled to the brim
(22F) Is it weird that my (21M) boyfriend is going on a 10-day trip with a female friend he met two months ago?
Morning anxiety and psoriasis
Is there love for someone with psoriasis?
Taking Baby Wombat From Its Mother for Views, smh
Found this specimen while working in a pine plantation in West Gippsland, Vic.
What's this bullshit?
Men who are 30+, what’s one lesson every guy should learn early?
Slug on our wall has a red triangle on its back
how do i stop thinking like this. it’s made everyday life feel dreadful.
I Was a Buddhist Monk for 7 years AMA about Mindfulness and Detachment
What kind of spider is this? Its web is massive and super strong, it's held up through some crazy weather.
how long were you and your partner together before marriage?
What have you ever stolen from your work place and you’ve never been caught
What's for dinner?
Best coping method for racing thoughts or ruminating
Reddit is my one and only, apparently 🤷♀️
Having a bad day, send me some dog teef pictures for a serotonin boost pls
Abandoned Turkish Mafia Villa
[TOMT][SONG][2010s?] What song is this?
The best Alcoholic Ginger Beer available in Australia.
29 M. Girl dad. Living solo.
Spider id?
My boyfriend sulks and i can’t stand it anymore. 25f 25m