What's the singular most overrated thing/place in San Diego
Shampoo/conditioner for oily hair?
At what age you had sex for the first time?
Is there anyone got drivers license from Osaka komyoike
umeda taco bell
Brussels sprouts in Tokyo
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Any good Indian restaurants?
Saily eSim was shite last time in October. Would Airalo or Ubigi be any better?
Strinova may intentionally restart your computer
what is a japanese food that you tried hesitantly but ended up liking?
Kadoma Driving License Examination Center
i passed the driving test
What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?
Which celebrity death devastated you the most?
I love some help finding a popular game
Anyone else kind of annoyed by the paypay scratch chance?
I hate being sent to the wrong server
This is literally crack
Am I overthinking it
does anyone know why i’m playing these players in 700 rated gold, this is my 3rd one today it’s an insta lose 5k every game
Perfectly chilled Asahi in Osaka, Japan.
changing california license to japanese
Unpopular opinion: pizza twist > any of the Polaris meals
Narita - Cebu, Philippines inaugural flight / UA32