Birdwatchers/Hikers identities CONFIRMED
Sophie Nélisse & Jenna Burgess new Teen Vogue interview on Shauna/Melissa relationship
is being tall and skinny the worst body type a woman can have ?
She was 11 when WWI started, 36 when WWII started, 74 when Star Wars released and 116 when Covid-19 started. And her name is Kane Tanaka as the world’s oldest living person at age 118 years. She was born on January 2, 1903.
Just saw this on YT shorts. Coincidence?
why can't I vote for anyone to stop this
Is POTS a progressive disorder? Does it get worse over time?
Books/essays about hate
Is it just me that thinks this joke is absolutely repulsive?
Oh, I used to say, I would never fall in love
Selena Gomez looking like she's not even human.
shauna's like, oh we're supposed to be serving "cult"? my bad i misread that
Are we stuck to dress subconsciously for the "male gaze"? examples of male gaze?
Is anyone else feeling worse than normal lately??
Doctor thinks I could have pheochromocytoma- been panicking all day
Chronic diseases misdiagnosed as psychosomatic can lead to long term damage to physical and mental wellbeing, study finds
Why are so many people so quick to excuse perverted powerful men if they happen to be talented artists(esp rockstars)? (Elvis, David Bowie, Aerosmith)
Shauna and Tai are unhinged, terrible people.
truerateme starterpack
What are your thoughts on Millie Bobbie Brown? (21 years old)
I found this duo absolutely hilarious
it happened again
What 21st century novels have had the most impact on you personally?