How y’all “philosophers” got me acting
Why are they like this
Carnist: "yeah this logically follows."
“Name the trait” gone wrong
Ethical free range too!
Barbeque. Bring your own ethically bred and/or harvest flesh 😋♨️
Sapience tho
*Our* Ancestors doing Hunting & Gathering
There’s no ethical procreation in a capitalistic society
There’s NO ethical murder in a capitalist society.
Out-shitposted by Dairy Australia. Climate friendly.
The vegans on this sub should be more concerned with vegan natalists than non-vegan antinatalists
POV: you just told an antinatalist that forcing procreation is not very antinatalist of them (tw: emotional)
Wake up babe, new delusional carnist antinatalist word-vommit just dropped
Comment above be like “appeal to nature fallacy, and plants feel pain” +2000
The “antinatalists” be shaking in their boots fr
Hop onto my plate you tasty looking MF 🍽️
Why is the natalism subreddit titled "r/antinatalism"?
Keep trying! Maybe you’ll get it one day!
Circlesnip: How long have you been vegan?
Dairy industry is when cow choir
When has a parent 'outed' themselves/ let the mask slip on their true reasons or feelings for having a child?
Dear Leftist Critics of Veganism: Veganism is Not Ableist or Classist