What is the scariest creature ever designed
Can’t find a truly scary movie that I haven’t already seen!
What are some of the most disturbing images/frames you’ve seen in horror movies?
Any Recommendations?
How do you guys deal with your gnats? I have tried vinegar before but they keep coming back. And then I tried these sticky traps 2 days ago and it seems pretty effective. How long does the glue last?
Expectations for fine dining in Windsor: part reality check, part vent
My Little Raven (Midnight) ZZ next to my other ZZ :)
peperomia rotundifolia aka "Trailing Jade" - are these loooong, leggy growths normal for a younger plant? (I thought it was an "Elephant Bush" for the entire time I've had it so apparently idk wtf I'm doing, guys)
When was the last time a movie actually "scared" you?
Time travel movies - what's your favorite?
Tequila Bob’s for NYE?
TN visa related question
This Starbucks has the alphabet so you can find your order easier.
[TOMT][Science Fiction Movie][1990s or 2000s]Storm/Hurricane movie
My plant looks unhappy - does anyone know what type of plant this is and what I can do to save it? I'm worried I over-watered it. I was told 15ml of water a week.
[TOMT] [MOVIE/TV] [Early 2000’s?] Movie or tv show where a guy says “Junior”.
[TOMT][MOVIE][2000-2010] A redhead woman and a guy (I think Bruce Willis but maybe not) are stuck together because if they split an explosive goes off, so they hit the road on his pickup (?), escaping or something.
[TOMT][BOOK]horror book series
[TOMT][TV SHOW][2010s] Comedy moment where man who knows the same phrase in multiple languages
[TOMT] [MOVIE SCENE] [REACTION MEME] Black Women clapping twice then saying no
Is it safe to go to a store in Detroit between 7 mile rd and 8 mile rd
What do you think is the most visually scary monster/demon/ghost in a movie or a show?
[TOMT] [Horror Movies]Could any horror enthusiast help me identify each referenced film of this framed picture
If you like X and Y, get recommended Z
[TOMT] [BOOK] A boy and his teacher save some sort of woodland from the teacher's sister and her demolition crew.