Family dog hit and killed by distracted, speeding FedEx driver who didn’t stop
[question] What do asmr viewers want that there's a lack of?
Frank Trueblue is essentially the winner of Day 6! Now for Day 7: Which Roger persona is a good person and least entertaining?
Before & after of a girl I used to be good friends with
“Chee-tah. Chee-tos… there is so much beauty in the world!” Won for “C” - “D” is next! (Runners-up below)
What small "ridiculous" thing has tipped you over the edge?
What random scene always makes you laugh?
Guess the weight of the bigger nug for a tip! Closest or exact gets a bigger prize! 💨✨
Found at my local Walmart, has anyone tried these yet?
What's your dream job?
Where is everyone getting jeans?!
After 20 years and 19 Seasons. Has there ever been a Scene/Joke that you feel went too far?
Stop! I got a sheet of acid in my pocket!
Jack Smith steals the win for Day 6! Now onto Day 7: Which AD character is a good person and hated by fans?
So crazy you can legally order this in Europe
For those saying this upcoming week’s entire lineup is trash……
Absolute angel of a customer
It finally happened.
Shit did way tooooooooooooo much brooooooo help
What are your thoughts on this menu?
Rogu just barely wins Day 5! Now for Day 6: Which AD character is a horrible person with divided fan opinions?
What's your WEIRDEST special interest?
Go for it, Columbia!
I just hate people sometimes…