The Texas DPS Motorcycle Test is impossible?
Can anyone see what's wrong with my formula? It gives me =NUM!
Got my bike in April and it already has rust. First the front brake casket has rust and now this part. Is it normal or something i should worry about?
Does everyone name their bikes?
Backup Sensor
Do You Know What Is The Fastest Sea Freight?
Saw this yesterday and wanted to share it lol
i HEAVILY recommend buying the LED light instead of stock. But look at this beauty. This is one expensive project
[First Playthrough][LVL32][SoY][HESTIA]
First Playthrough, RtVS, lvl 40
Offering help! Main/DLC/Chalices BL 80/MAX
[BL544] Helping everywhere (main game, DLC, Chalices)
(NG+) (Level 162) (Boss: OfK) (Pass:lips)
(NG+) (Level 162)(Boss: OfK)(Pass:lips)
I need with the orphan, anybody wants to join in? mf hella aggressive
I need help with the Orphan. Any buddy want to join? Im at the lamp next to the elevator
For those waiting... its going to be worth it
Casio GA2100 in clear resin. This watch wears surprisingly well on small wrists
Almost at 10 Billion!
See yall on the road💪💪
Still waiting on my Indian Scout Bobber
Bobber owners. How tall are you?
Looking for a Helmet suggestion.
its coming early! looking forward to join yall on the road :)
Is this date definitive or can it come earlier?