[Garden of Love] Invite to playtest
Does anybody here actually have a marriage or relationship with a man where they don’t resent him?
The filter - an unconscious A(u)DHD coping strategy
Books that you enjoyed but were so emotionally devastating that you would never want to read again?
It's a bit late, but does this bring back memories for anyone else?!
✨Let the boobies hit the floor✨ Repeat after me: Bodies change. It is normal.
Was a "gentleman's greeting" actually ever a thing?
What's the most comforting TV show you've rewatched multiple times and why ?
What’s a game-changing insight your therapist casually dropped during a session that completely shifted how you see things?
Nontoxic paint for baby fun?
Which hobbies do NOT drain your bank account?
Daily Wordle #1208 - Wednesday, 9 Oct. 2024
Room to Hire for a Party
Who should NOT be allowed to speak at a funeral?
Schools for primary school kids with ADHD Perth?
Not really a cat person. HOW do I gently stop neighbor's cat from bringing me dead things?
Could the content of OP's erotic novels be the reason they can't get a bank account in the UK?
DAE think Sir Gadabout (the knight in Zog) has the coolest redemption arc?
What is the most unfortunate last name you've seen someone have?
Low Iron - freaking out. 2yr old will not touch drops or any supplements
If ADHD had a slogan what would it be?
Some generic rules of thumb for sequence programming
What is Your Favorite Junk Food?
Now that Taylor Swift releases songs with profanity including the F word, do you have to listen to the albums first before letting your daughter listen?
Letting people know you are a 'safe' church