Can you guess if I won or lost that match?
why do they call it stroganoff? because when you take the strog out the oven an u turn the oven off?
The teammates I get every single match
Teammate managed to glitch through the door, he was humping it before he managed to get through. How do you do this?
This was a fun build. Had Trinket that gave me a plain copy of a minion I controlled each start of turn and Shudderwock's hero power as second. At the end I had magnetized a total of 238 mechs so the Dr. Boom's magnetic minion was like a 500/500 thing.
This was a fun build. Trinket gave me a plain copy of a minion I control each start turn, and I had Shudderwock hero power as my extra one.
Hello! General question.
How do I get rid of this? Been on my screen for 10 minutes already and restarting game does not get rid of it. Am I just softlocked out of this game forever?
ngl if a girl with bazongas as large as Tyrande's denied my confession of love and went for my brother instead I'd also abandon my humanity and become a demon.
Why do people leave?
Sometimes we're all playing completely different games
Ngl gng, ts pmo. Bonerender NEEDS to be removed. I played like this since I got to tier 4 and didn't change a thing. I didn't lose or tie a single matchup in the entire match.
Say something negative about this game
No, Phaurnos#1141 or whatever. That spell doesn't work that way. A Greek Tragedy.
Just your normal, everyday pirate battlegrounds build. I couldn't spend all my coins even though I scrolled through as fast as I could to buy ALL pirates I could find.
Try to beat this. Huh, you can't? Too bad. (I also had a 1408/986 Golden Bream Counter in hand)
Sadly I got this going way too late in the match sadge
Final board of the dirtiest comp I've ever played, I'm so sorry
In your opinion, Which class is the best?
These are the teammates I get in Duo Battlegrounds bro.
Just found this odd bug. Anyone seen it before?
No but fr why are high elo Sharks so cracked??
What is one legal thing you think should be illegal?
Can you sell gold bars on red dead online?