Kobo Libra color restarting
What does Twilight Woods smell like?
Anyone know how to turn off macro it extremely disorienting and frustrating to take pictures when it starts swapping between the lens
Right, left, and mid upper quadrant pain?
What did Roxas mean by this?
I got laid off by getting my name drawn out of a hat
Anyone who has properly customised a gen1 or gen 2 tamagotchi?
Do you think the story of the series is convoluted and hard to follow as people outside the community say it is?
Tama mail!!
Can someone edit this please
DoNALd CaNt HEal.
You all know the Meme,let's be completely fucking real.
Issues with USPS AliExpress OR customs?
Buddy just got this for "record numbers"...
I never noticed Woody's arm was sewed on, since it was ripped off in Toy Story 2. The attention to detail in these games never ceases to amaze me.
Watercolor of Gaius
As I'm sure most of you have noticed, packages are beginning to be dislodged from customs. Here's my success, these have been stuck there since the 5th.
KH3 is so good when you dont have someone in your ear telling you its awful
Snapchat automatically subscribes you to random people. Keep in mind I’ve never seen either of these stories and I never look in the discover tab so it’s definitely on them
Why did Bluepoint removed some of the original game animation?
Feeling sick post-surgery
Has anyone tried apple cider vinegar for gallbladder pain due to gallstones? What were your experiences good or bad?
Atp I’ll believe anything
Should I carry on making this for MacOS?
It feels like someone is tickling me INSIDE my knee joints.
Kingdom Hearts Inspired Wifi names?