[New Defence] Rotating Gatling Gun
The way that Rod was disrespected during this scene was pretty sad ngl.How would you guys improve this scene?
I placed my decoration right next to him to show him who’s the boss around here
Animation for the new target practice is so freaking awesome
Tired of looking at this no drip wearing lame minion
What is the most versatile troop in the game ?
The worst episodes of Squid Game according to viewers ratings...
rate my meal deal
Removes my post, refuses to elaborate
Decorations collection
Season 4
who would win ? Nam-Su (Drugged) or Sae Byeok in a weapon fight
So much fun
Younger me got mad pussy
Im predicting five posts about oh no my only legendary i got the lava loon puppet
what color should i make him?
Claim 10 chest
Claim free 5 chests now!!!
it just doesnt look right...
Dennis and steve the perfect duo
R/ClashOfClans during the upcoming days
Holy shit I've worked it out its not chess its a game that one person fight whilst the other person carries i can't remember the name
This is everything I have on the way I'm so sigma (and in debt)
Best 3x3 decorations are when you can torture a goblin and a barb