My issues with bumble as a woman
How long does it take for men to start feeling protective about the person they are dating?
How big of a deal is it if your fiance forgets your birthdy?
Suggestions of stores or beauty consultants to find the right makeup products for brown skin?
I am looking for concealer recommendations for Indian skin.
What's a life- changing beauty tip you want to shout from the rooftops?
What is your go to product for flyaway hair?
What makes you feel disrespected when talking to someone?
People who started dating through Instagram, what was your story of how you went about showing interest and asking the other person out?
Question to heterosexual women - how do your online dating experiences today compare to 2-3 years ago?
Any movie suggestions portraying realistic love stories?
Would you be open to dating Indian women? What is your opinion of them?
Are people being approached romantically by tour guides a lot?
How will outdoor sports change over the next five years with harsher summers?
How many cheese slices do you use to make a grilled cheese sandwich?
Women who dress well to airports, have you been treated differently? How?
How much do women's degrees or careers matter to men when choosing a life partner?
How much do women's degrees or careers matter to men when they look for partners?
What has your experience been with guys sliding into dms on Instagram? Also what were the initial dms like?
A friend asked me to refer them to a couple of roles at my company. They sent over a poorly formatted resume. I don't feel comfortable referring them with this resume. What is the best way to deal with this between asking them to rewrite/reformat resume and referring them or just not responding to t
Ladies who were trained for pageants - what are some beauty/grooming/self-care tips you learnt from your pageant journey?
To those who have dated multiple people from different ethnicities, do you have any insights on dating standards or norms from specific ethnicities?
Females living outside India who had AM, any advice?
What are some books to read or videos to watch to become a decently aware person on different areas like history, politics, finances, culture?
Have you said no to someone who asked you out and later asked them out? What made you change your mind?