I get 370g of protein per day as a vegan and have been vegan for 19 years and lifting for 16 years (and use PEDs) AMA
9 Sources of protein that can help you outgrow meat eaters
How to use figure 8 straps
I believe we can show more compassion
Vegetarian 4 days a week, looking for resources for (actually) good recipes
This post comes without judgement. This isn’t an attack but a cry for help. Think about who you want to be and how you want to impact the world around you
If you're a new vegan or are vegan curious and often shop at Publix, but unsure what's vegan, then this guide might help you out
Don’t try this at home or probably at the gym either - almost got kicked out
What is the best tasting protein powder flavor and brand
Protein shakes
Quick and easy high protein BBQ meal
Easy way to make your seitan at home (Swipe to see👉👉) - By TheBodybuildingVegan
My biggest regret in life is not wishing I went vegan sooner, but that I wish I spoke out and stood up for the animals sooner
Making PAOW!, a frozen, delicious Philly “Steak”! - By TheBodybuildingVegan
Lifetime PR of 585x8 achieved
Premier Protein Powder Plant Protein
How often do you hear this statements?
Looking for new internet friends
My daily supplement stack 👉(Super supplements/gear not included)
Quick and easy high protein BBQ meal - TheBodybuildingVegan