Does anyone here know where this plush came from?
Do you think the Fnaf 4 nightmare animatronics were actually real?
Where is Shadow Freddy in every game after UCN?
umm, guys, it's that probably late or even unimportant question, but is cakebear place came before fredbear's & freddy's restaurants?, or between fredbear's & freddy's?, or is he even the "Salvage" (fnaf 3 teaser springtrap),
fnaf 1 and fnaf 2, sequel/prequel stuff
Why couldn’t Lloyd use other elemental powers
Anyone know the master of water lar If ya don't know he is basically the master of water before nya and after maya. Search him up, he looks like Lloyd and Nya had a kid but he isn’t canon since this was for season four before Nya had powers. He fought Kai
Fake or Real samukai?
What I think the one retcon in FNAF is:
Full disclosure, I'm a big wuss so I've never played a FNAF game before...
The Bite of '83 WAS a springlock failure
(FNAF theory) what if nightmare from Fnaf 4 is the ghost of crying child
Did they actually solve the mystery of Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie?
What book is this nya from?
Is this fan game a virus???
Soo what is fnaf help wanted lore about?
The Ultimate Guide to Watching Ninjago in Order (Including Specials, Mini-Movies/ Shorts)
Did we ever get confirmation on what the FNAF 4 animatronics were?
Nightmares purpose in the lore
How come in fnaf 3 there's a withered freddy and 1993 freddy on the time period
Is Fnaf World Cannon? If so how?
If the books are cannon then that means rwqfsfasxc can become whatever this is
Shadow freddys endo is the same color as the suit. Look at his ankles
Is this real?
Shadow Freddy Theory