Favorite Nathan Lane performance?
Is A24 no longer indie?
Everyone keeps complaining about sequels and remakes…
looking for some actually funny comedy movies that are also great pieces of cinema
Who is an actor you love just showing up in films?
Who else is the Ultimate Girl Dad
Movies that had so much promise in the first act, then just fell off
r/boutiquebluray Letterboxd Exchange!
Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Who’s an actor/actress that you once saw as only their most famous role, but now see beyond that?
Teeth Acting
Name me a better actress in her 20s than Anya Taylor Joy
It’s Friday! Drop your last four watched
What movie scene gives you extreme stress
Do you own your top 4 in physical media?
Favorite Obscure Comedy?
Get me a movie that’ll make me laugh so hard that my tiny ass stomach will start hurting
Name 3 actresses who draw you in no matter what they do. I'll start!
What's the cheapest you've gotten a 4k for?
What would your LB top 4 look like if it were comedies only?
Favorite Cinematography You’ve Seen In a Film
70’s Comedies That Still Hit
Which actresses would be great Bond girls for the new franchise?
What film has made you cry the most?
Notable films with little to no film score