Breathtaking beaches SOR
What is going on with Perth traffic the last few weeks?
Seraphon Shenanigans
The Risks of Overexposure to Competitive Warhammer for Beginners – Play What You Think is Cool!
Australians are obsessed with SUVs and huge utes, but experts say they are making our roads deadlier
What’s an accidental good picture you took during a Warhammer game? I’ll go first.
Better ways to get from QEII to train station.
An exorcists chaplain
Caravan hoax fallout deepens, as Dutton hits back on claims he 'stoked fear'
Wealthiest 10% own two thirds of investment property; ACOSS
Wealthiest 10% own two thirds of investment property: ACOSS
Shields of Athena Terminators
With the slate this week: whats do you think is the worst character in 40k for your faction and how would you fix them for competitive play.
Perth teachers: what is it that makes/made you love or hate your career as a teacher?
Best hobby decisions you've ever made? (Pic semi-related)
Leaks from someone who supposedly has an early copy of the tome
Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-Stalker
Shields of Athena Chapter Master (Calgar Proxy!)
Is the current 40k Meta...
Shields of Athena (my own custom chapter!)
Repulsor + Sternguard Veterans
Repulsor Executioner + Bladeguard
Who would win this war?